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I've begun to translate the french uMap manual to German at . In this process I stumbled upon the following question:

What is the purpose/relevance of the function "Default zoom level" for markers? I tried setting values but can't see an effect when interacting with the marker.

asked 28 Nov '16, 21:33

skorbut's gravatar image

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It's only used for automatic zooms, for example with the slideshow, or when clicking on the small magnifying class.

(28 Nov '16, 21:56) ybon

@ybon: Thanks for your answer.

To clarify for others: The small magnifying glass is not the one used for searching locations (doing geocoding). But instead it is the one visible e.g. when showing the data layers. (I Hope that I got that right...)

(11 Dec '16, 21:33) skorbut

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question asked: 28 Nov '16, 21:33

question was seen: 2,476 times

last updated: 11 Dec '16, 21:33

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum