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I want to display additional data of gpx in popup like kml extended data. How can i do this using gpx?

asked 28 Nov '16, 13:04

Amithanwate's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Could you explain what your question has to do with OpenStreetMap?

(28 Nov '16, 13:55) SimonPoole ♦

Is this question about uMap?

(28 Nov '16, 14:24) scai ♦

I want to plot route on OpenStreetMap using GPX. And when i click on plotted route at particular point pop-up will open and display location, speed and time which is present in gpx file on that point.

(29 Nov '16, 05:24) Amithanwate

I don't want to use any software. I want to use jsp and html and display on it. I had already plot path on OSM using gpx.But popup will not show proper information.

(29 Nov '16, 06:23) Amithanwate

No software at all? How are you displaying your map? Do you use Leaflet or OpenLayers?

(30 Nov '16, 11:39) scai ♦

@Amithanwate Can you try and add a lot more detail to what you are asking above? We seem to be playing "twenty questions" here.

(30 Nov '16, 13:02) SomeoneElse ♦
showing 5 of 6 show 1 more comments

You can accomplish the essence of what you want using GPSPrune excepting the point info is at the top right box of screen. Selecting the earth icon displays the OSM.


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answered 29 Nov '16, 06:05

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 29 Nov '16, 06:09

Thank you for reply. But i don't want to use any software. I want to use jsp and html and display on it. I had already plot path on OSM using gpx.But popup will not show proper information.

(29 Nov '16, 06:17) Amithanwate

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question asked: 28 Nov '16, 13:04

question was seen: 3,031 times

last updated: 30 Nov '16, 13:02

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum