I have used this Overpass query to download all the highways of a given city (indicated by XXXXXX) that have the tag name. The data was saved into a file.
Outside of JOSM, with a very smart script, I've parsed the OSM file to check if the highway's names were correct: if not, the script change them to the correct values. Keep in mind that I know exactly which way (hence its ID) is going to be modified. When the edit is done, I would like to upload the file to OSM through JOSM: if I click the Upload button, JOSM tells me "No changes to upload". So far I thought about two possibilities:
If you have any other suggestions, please keep them coming. Thanks. |
JOSM adds a 1
You are the man! Thank you!!! :) And yes, I'll be extremely careful with the script!
(17 Nov '16, 22:50)
can you show the code of your script somewhere, so others can have a look at it ?
(18 Nov '16, 04:20)
I will, but first I have to fix some bugs...
(19 Nov '16, 20:26)
Side note: please follow the Automated Edits code of conduct and keep in mind that you cannot use every source as reference due to copyright/database laws.
Side note2: I guess this may be an edit which is the result: https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/43802055 (4 ways, 6 nodes edited).No! This is the changeset: http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/43777145
ah, thanks for the link, Davide_sd! :-) (the wiki page in the description tag is helpful … I just need to learn more Italian)