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We set up a local instance of OSM following the Wiki instructions and are successfully using it to reverse geo-code; we would love to contribute to OSM's data but cant tell if it is possible to log the requests for reverse lookup that fail to produce a full address on our local server.

Does such a function/log exist in Nominatim or would the only option be to develop it in our application? we intend to have an employee review such requests and update them on so that our server will get the additions through osmosis.

Thanks for any help or direction that you can provide.

asked 17 Nov '16, 21:55

artecss's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Have a look at the new_query_log table. It contains date, search term and number of results. You might need to switch on logging in the build/settings.php files (look for CONST_Log_DB). You should be able to extract failed queries from that. If not we're open for pull request on github.

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answered 17 Nov '16, 22:49

mtmail's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

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question asked: 17 Nov '16, 21:55

question was seen: 3,247 times

last updated: 17 Nov '16, 22:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum