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Hello there,

I hope you people is doing great and is happy to live another beautiful day today.

My question regards umap, specifically the slideshow mode.

I have created a map showing all the steps of my last travel. I would like to use the bloody ('scuse my French) slideshow mode, but for some reason I find no information at all about how this should work, neither in French nor in English (I even tried Spanish and German as I f****** was desperate). Anyway.

Does anyone know how it works ? There only are three buttons and it looks childish-easy but I can't get to understand how the f*****b***** tool works.

Please help, I think it is obvious I really need some soothing help =)


asked 17 Nov '16, 21:00

Jungirl's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 20 Nov '16, 23:01

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

You need to add the delay between two features, in milliseconds. For example: 5000, if you want 5 seconds before the slideshow move from one feature to the other.

(17 Nov '16, 23:42) ybon

Hello Ybon,

Thanks for your help. I had seen that milliseconds setting, but my problem is HOW TO CREATE THE SLIDESHOW ITSELF ? I mean, before that timing option, how do I choose the steps, the strating point, etc ? I click on "slideshow", then "5000 milliseconds". Looks (too) easy. Then, "edit". Nothing ever happens ! Such a mystery, really...

Thanks in advance if anyone can help me.

(22 Nov '16, 12:22) Jungirl

Bonjour, Bonjour à tous, généreux membres du forum d'entraide.

Je réédite ma question en français (sait-on jamais !) Je cherche à créer un diaporama à partir des données créées avec umap. Pour l'instant j'ai une carte avec des étapes numérotées, et j'aimerais que le défilement se fasse seul quand l'internaute clique sur "LECTURE". Je sais que c'est possible mais... Pas de mon côté ! Je ne vois que les options de durée entre chaque "diapositive" (ex 5000 millisecondes), mais je ne sais comment définir le chemin (l'ordre des étapes). Quand je clique sur lecture, rien ne se passe. Peut-être une histoire de calque ? Merci de votre aide !


(25 Nov '16, 09:25) Jungirl

Maybe a link to the map with the issue may help someone help you… ;)

(25 Nov '16, 10:23) ybon

Hello, Following Ybon's advice, here is the link to my map : I would like the map to be active. To go from a step to another automaticaly.

Thanks again for your help

(28 Nov '16, 20:45) Jungirl

Just changed a bit the UI so now there is a "activate slideshow" button, plus a select for choosing the delay. You can also choose to hide a layer from the slideshow, from the layer form. Then uMap will take one layer after the other in the order you have chosen, and for each layer it will loop over the features in alphanumerical order.

permanent link

answered 29 Nov '16, 09:01

ybon's gravatar image

accept rate: 42%

Ybon, thank you sooo much ! What you did was simply magic, I don't know how you did that, but thanks anyway, that was very kind of you ! My slideshow is finished now, I did not have any other problem. Have a beautiful year 2017 and followings ;)


(29 Dec '16, 22:15) Jungirl

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question asked: 17 Nov '16, 21:00

question was seen: 3,857 times

last updated: 04 Jul '23, 14:31

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum