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Hi, I'm PHD Student from Poland. I'm working on using open source software and data for aidin crime analisis. And I want to geocode at least 14000 records in one go. So i need to create offline geocoder. My Question is: how can i download data form Poland with all attribution needed tocreat offline address locator? Planet OSM is no good for this task. Reason is lack of attribution. Thanks

asked 19 May '11, 15:19

pavelgajewski's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


could you improve your question ? you say "can I download data from Poland with all attribution" and later "reason is lack of attribution". What for attribution ? Address ? Place ? Addresses missing in OSM ? You mean "lack of addresses in OSM for Poland" ?

(19 May '11, 17:20) Pieren

I'm wondering if when you say "Planet OSM is no good for this task" you're being misunderstood. Could you expand on that a bit?

(16 Oct '11, 22:02) SomeoneElse ♦

Planet.osm is all we have. If that's not good enough for you, then OSM is not good enough for you, and you will have to go and pay a load of money and get a commercial dataset for Poland.

Having said that, your conclusion "need to geocode 14k addresses" => "have to install offline geocoder" is not necessarily right; the MapQuest Nominatim instance can easily deal with 14k requests if you don't make them all at once.

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answered 20 May '11, 07:05

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Hm, A need all attributes needed for geocoding. Planet OSM dataset has only names of streets(not all) and info about changes made to dataset - when , who, what. I need at least names of all the streets, not mentioning numbers. is it possible?

Mapquest as google and yahoo and batchgeocode can geocode 14k records but in 3 weeks:) it's not an option:)

(01 Jun '11, 14:01) pavelgajewski

The planet file has everything we know. It has the names of all streets that are in the current OSM data base. Also, I have only recently geocoded 10k records in about two hours with Mapquest so you might be mistaken there.

(01 Jun '11, 14:10) Frederik Ramm ♦

Hi Pawel, I am very interested in results you eventualy got. Have yo used OSM? i will approciate any comments. M.

(16 Oct '11, 15:51) miniek

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question asked: 19 May '11, 15:19

question was seen: 20,694 times

last updated: 16 Oct '11, 22:02

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum