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Hey guys , im using android navdroyd app . I've heard that i was able to download map for use of navdroyd from here since it use open street map . However , i don't know where to download it from here . Im looking for Malaysia map . Can anyone teach me ? or post me the direct link ? Thanks in advance .

asked 19 May '11, 14:04

nicktsh's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Well I dont have navdroyd but I assume it works the same way as mapdroyd....

You download the map data inside the app itself on your phone. Press 'menu', 'Manage maps' and chose the download you want.

The map data comes from OpenStreetMap (originally) but you don't need to download it from here yourself.

The neat thing though, is that when you see things which are missing/wrong you can edit the map on Make corrections and eventually (with a delayed update cycle) you'll see your improvements inside the app.

permanent link

answered 19 May '11, 14:19

Harry%20Wood's gravatar image

Harry Wood
accept rate: 14%

Yes i know i can download inside that app . But the map available for Malausia is quite poor . So i wish to be able to download a complex Malaysia map and put in in my sdcard to be use by my navdroyd , but seem like it won't works ... Anyway , thanks for your concern

(20 May '11, 06:07) nicktsh

Yeah well that means you want to be able to use a different datasource for the navdroyd software. You could ask them (so you're asking the wrong people here) but I can tell you that it's unlikely to be possible. Navdroyd works only with OpenStreetMap. They've developed the system to run with their own data format, which is created as a conversion of OpenStreetMap data on their servers.

The other option is to look at making the Malaysia better in OpenStreetMap. Anyone help with this! See WikiProject Malaysia

(23 May '11, 15:33) Harry Wood

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question asked: 19 May '11, 14:04

question was seen: 8,623 times

last updated: 23 May '11, 15:33

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum