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I use ubuntu 16.04. in Virtualbox with Postgresql 9.5, postgis 9.2, mod_tile current git version, 16GiB RAM, 4 CPU, and harddisk non ssd. I use umap as frontend for working with the maps.

Should the VirtualBox fast enough? I dont need it superfast like google maps, but still useable. The rendering is very slow and usable. The Index in the database is created, I checked that. What the problem can be?

Now I try to prerender the whole country...

renderd[14336]: DEBUG: DONE TILE default 7 64-71 40-47 in 829.013 seconds
debug: Creating and writing a metatile to /var/lib/mod_tile/default/7/0/0/0/66/8.meta

renderd[14336]: DEBUG: START TILE default 8 136-143 96-103, new metatile
renderd[14336]: Rendering projected coordinates 8 136 96 -> 1252344.271425|3757032.814275 2504688.542850|5009377.085700 to a 8 x 8 tile
renderd[14336]: DEBUG: DONE TILE default 8 136-143 96-103 in 1.110 seconds
debug: Creating and writing a metatile to /var/lib/mod_tile/default/8/0/0/0/134/128.meta

renderd[14336]: DEBUG: START TILE default 8 136-143 104-111, new metatile
renderd[14336]: Rendering projected coordinates 8 136 104 -> 1252344.271425|2504688.542850 2504688.542850|3757032.814275 to a 8 x 8 tile
renderd[14336]: DEBUG: DONE TILE default 8 136-143 104-111 in 0.280 seconds
debug: Creating and writing a metatile to /var/lib/mod_tile/default/8/0/0/0/134/136.meta

renderd[14336]: DEBUG: START TILE default 8 136-143 112-119, new metatile
renderd[14336]: Rendering projected coordinates 8 136 112 -> 1252344.271425|1252344.271425 2504688.542850|2504688.542850 to a 8 x 8 tile
renderd[14336]: DEBUG: DONE TILE default 8 136-143 112-119 in 0.329 seconds
debug: Creating and writing a metatile to /var/lib/mod_tile/default/8/0/0/0/135/128.meta

renderd[14336]: DEBUG: START TILE default 8 136-143 120-127, new metatile
renderd[14336]: Rendering projected coordinates 8 136 120 -> 1252344.271425|0.000000 2504688.542850|1252344.271425 to a 8 x 8 tile
renderd[14336]: DEBUG: DONE TILE default 8 136-143 120-127 in 0.247 seconds
debug: Creating and writing a metatile to /var/lib/mod_tile/default/8/0/0/0/135/136.meta

renderd[14336]: DEBUG: START TILE default 8 136-143 128-135, new metatile
renderd[14336]: Rendering projected coordinates 8 136 128 -> 1252344.271425|-1252344.271425 2504688.542850|0.000000 to a 8 x 8 tile
renderd[14336]: DEBUG: DONE TILE default 8 136-143 128-135 in 0.304 seconds
debug: Creating and writing a metatile to /var/lib/mod_tile/default/8/0/0/0/136/128.meta

renderd[14336]: DEBUG: START TILE default 8 136-143 136-143, new metatile
renderd[14336]: Rendering projected coordinates 8 136 136 -> 1252344.271425|-2504688.542850 2504688.542850|-1252344.271425 to a 8 x 8 tile
renderd[14336]: DEBUG: DONE TILE default 8 136-143 136-143 in 0.291 seconds
debug: Creating and writing a metatile to /var/lib/mod_tile/default/8/0/0/0/136/136.meta

renderd[14336]: DEBUG: START TILE default 8 136-143 144-151, new metatile
renderd[14336]: Rendering projected coordinates 8 136 144 -> 1252344.271425|-3757032.814275 2504688.542850|-2504688.542850 to a 8 x 8 tile
renderd[14336]: DEBUG: DONE TILE default 8 128-135 80-87 in 752.785 seconds
debug: Creating and writing a metatile to /var/lib/mod_tile/default/8/0/0/0/133/0.meta

renderd[14336]: DEBUG: START TILE default 8 136-143 152-159, new metatile
renderd[14336]: Rendering projected coordinates 8 136 152 -> 1252344.271425|-5009377.085700 2504688.542850|-3757032.814275 to a 8 x 8 tile
renderd[14336]: DEBUG: DONE TILE default 8 136-143 144-151 in 0.329 seconds
debug: Creating and writing a metatile to /var/lib/mod_tile/default/8/0/0/0/137/128.meta

renderd[14336]: DEBUG: START TILE default 8 136-143 160-167, new metatile
renderd[14336]: Rendering projected coordinates 8 136 160 -> 1252344.271425|-6261721.357125 2504688.542850|-5009377.085700 to a 8 x 8 tile
renderd[14336]: DEBUG: DONE TILE default 8 136-143 152-159 in 0.255 seconds
debug: Creating and writing a metatile to /var/lib/mod_tile/default/8/0/0/0/137/136.meta

renderd[14336]: DEBUG: START TILE default 8 136-143 168-175, new metatile
renderd[14336]: Rendering projected coordinates 8 136 168 -> 1252344.271425|-7514065.628550 2504688.542850|-6261721.357125 to a 8 x 8 tile
renderd[14336]: DEBUG: DONE TILE default 8 136-143 160-167 in 0.251 seconds
debug: Creating and writing a metatile to /var/lib/mod_tile/default/8/0/0/0/138/128.meta

renderd[14336]: DEBUG: START TILE default 8 136-143 176-183, new metatile
renderd[14336]: Rendering projected coordinates 8 136 176 -> 1252344.271425|-8766409.899975 2504688.542850|-7514065.628550 to a 8 x 8 tile
renderd[14336]: DEBUG: DONE TILE default 8 136-143 168-175 in 0.240 seconds
debug: Creating and writing a metatile to /var/lib/mod_tile/default/8/0/0/0/138/136.meta

renderd[14336]: DEBUG: START TILE default 8 136-143 184-191, new metatile
renderd[14336]: Rendering projected coordinates 8 136 184 -> 1252344.271425|-10018754.171400 2504688.542850|-8766409.899975 to a 8 x 8 tile
renderd[14336]: DEBUG: DONE TILE default 8 136-143 176-183 in 0.231 seconds
debug: Creating and writing a metatile to /var/lib/mod_tile/default/8/0/0/0/139/128.meta

renderd[14336]: DEBUG: START TILE default 8 136-143 192-199, new metatile
renderd[14336]: Rendering projected coordinates 8 136 192 -> 1252344.271425|-11271098.442825 2504688.542850|-10018754.171400 to a 8 x 8 tile
renderd[14336]: DEBUG: DONE TILE default 8 136-143 184-191 in 0.228 seconds
debug: Creating and writing a metatile to /var/lib/mod_tile/default/8/0/0/0/139/136.meta

renderd[14336]: DEBUG: START TILE default 8 136-143 200-207, new metatile
renderd[14336]: Rendering projected coordinates 8 136 200 -> 1252344.271425|-12523442.714250 2504688.542850|-11271098.442825 to a 8 x 8 tile
renderd[14336]: DEBUG: DONE TILE default 8 136-143 192-199 in 0.646 seconds
debug: Creating and writing a metatile to /var/lib/mod_tile/default/8/0/0/0/140/128.meta

renderd[14336]: DEBUG: START TILE default 8 136-143 208-215, new metatile
renderd[14336]: Rendering projected coordinates 8 136 208 -> 1252344.271425|-13775786.985675 2504688.542850|-12523442.714250 to a 8 x 8 tile
renderd[14336]: DEBUG: DONE TILE default 8 136-143 200-207 in 0.587 seconds
debug: Creating and writing a metatile to /var/lib/mod_tile/default/8/0/0/0/140/136.meta

renderd[14336]: DEBUG: START TILE default 8 136-143 216-223, new metatile
renderd[14336]: Rendering projected coordinates 8 136 216 -> 1252344.271425|-15028131.257100 2504688.542850|-13775786.985675 to a 8 x 8 tile
renderd[14336]: DEBUG: DONE TILE default 8 136-143 208-215 in 0.339 seconds
debug: Creating and writing a metatile to /var/lib/mod_tile/default/8/0/0/0/141/128.meta

renderd[14336]: DEBUG: DONE TILE default 8 136-143 216-223 in 0.262 seconds
debug: Creating and writing a metatile to /var/lib/mod_tile/default/8/0/0/0/141/136.meta

asked 14 Nov '16, 14:59

hevilp's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

so, my setup has a normal speed? I dont have a problem to prerender it all, if it working fine...

(14 Nov '16, 15:17) hevilp

Actually - looking at the tile numbers above, that's for Antarctica(!) so the "renderd[14336]: DEBUG: DONE TILE default 8 136-143 216-223 in 0.262 seconds" figure isn't very representative. Try dirtying a tile where you have some data...

(14 Nov '16, 15:35) SomeoneElse ♦

And BTW which country are you trying to render (too lazy to check the tiles)?

(14 Nov '16, 16:28) SimonPoole ♦

whole Germany, it cant be Antartica...

(14 Nov '16, 16:29) hevilp

How did you set off that render request? Via render_list, perhaps?

(14 Nov '16, 16:40) SomeoneElse ♦

in normal case, umap sends the renderrequest. that in the example could be from render_list, i dont remember

(14 Nov '16, 16:52) hevilp
showing 5 of 6 show 1 more comments

Low zoom tiles are slow to render even in a more performant setup, that is the main reason you typically pre-render them.

Having the rendering database on SSD would however likely help.

permanent link

answered 14 Nov '16, 15:03

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

VirtualBox per se shouldn't be the problem (though do check that you've allocated all the CPUs and memory that you think you have). "Time to render" times don't look too slow at z8. For comparison here (cheap "desktop" spec CPU, Virtualbox, SSD, 1 cpu and 5Gb memory allocated):

Nov 14 15:06:46 ubuntu renderd[1417]: DEBUG: START TILE ajt 8 136-143 80-87, age 20.99 days
Nov 14 15:06:52 ubuntu renderd[1417]: DEBUG: DONE TILE ajt 8 136-143 80-87 in 6.525 seconds

That's for a 2 tiles in parallel in a detailed area of the UK, which is fairly well mapped. You don't say what style you're using or where, which will also have an effect.

permanent link

answered 14 Nov '16, 15:13

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 14 Nov '16, 14:59

question was seen: 3,575 times

last updated: 11 Oct '18, 19:03

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum