Hi all, I originally signed in to OSM using my Google account. This worked fine. However, when I wanted to come to this forum, it was extremely difficult to do. It didn't accept my Google login (there is no Google login icon, I guess since Google dropped OpenID support, and OSQA hasn't implemented the new Google login). If I clicked Create Account, it just jumped me straight back to the map OSM website - no Help account was created. Eventually, I loaded an incognito window and created an account with a different email address (it wouldn't accept my google email address). This process was very offputting. Anyone working on making it easier?? Thanks Aaron |
I don't believe there is an easy or short term solution to your issue as OSQA is for all practical purposes unmaintained and it is unlikely that anybody will pay for OSM volunteers to take over that role. Hi Simon, thanks for your thoughts. In that case, shouldn't OSM move away from OSQA? I mean these are big issues, making it practical for people to signup is pretty much the first requirement...
(14 Nov '16, 20:53)
Aaron Lawren...
Sure except that all of the alternatives have up and down sides and moving in any case would/will be a lot of work.
(14 Nov '16, 20:58)
SimonPoole ♦
Well there are some things we could do to mitigate the problem. In the first place, the FAQ page should be edited, especially "To register, do I need to create a new password?" And we could maybe add a line where it explains the difficulty on the account/signin page.
(17 Nov '16, 12:31)
joost schouppe