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Hi all, I'm building a wayfinding app with OSM data. I'm only working with a small subset, the Toronto PATH relation for Toronto's underground walkway/malls.

I found that 3 nodes had been created where there should be one, so the ways didn't join up. I simply edited two of the ways in the OSM iD editor, and it automatically deleted the unnecessary nodes. Does it look OK?


asked 14 Nov '16, 01:01

Aaron%20Lawrence%20-%20Umajin's gravatar image

Aaron Lawren...
accept rate: 0%


off topic: for those curious among us: no, "PATH" is not contrary to Name is the name only, but really the name of this foot path network, see Wikipedia. I guess it just would be debatable (tagging for the renderer) if the name "PATH" really should be on each single way or just on the network relation (where it currently is, too).

(15 Nov '16, 21:22) aseerel4c26 ♦

Yes, I think its an awkward choice for a name because it's so ambiguous, but it's well settled into their branding now. I think it would be better on the relation only. But I'm not launching into major revisions since the business approach is still being approved.

(15 Nov '16, 21:34) Aaron Lawren...

Thanks for asking here! :) Your edit looks fine. Thank you for catching and fixing a non-obvious data usability problem that affected routing. Also see .

(Just in case Hendrik deletes his answer – I am writing another to sum up alester's and my comments)

permanent link

answered 15 Nov '16, 20:10

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 15 Nov '16, 20:36

Thank you. A bit annoyed we lost that history of comments on Hendrik's answer, oh well.

(17 Nov '16, 22:39) Aaron Lawren...

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question asked: 14 Nov '16, 01:01

question was seen: 2,174 times

last updated: 17 Nov '16, 22:39

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum