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Hi Osm,

My project has stalled and I can't seem to solve the problem. I really hope you can help me here. I would need the boundaries for UK towns and areas. I've already got great boundary data from OrdnanceSurvey on counties, districts and wards. The problem is that the wards are unfortunately useless for my project (since it's only used in elections and not by users in every day life). I'm also trying to find an alternative postcodelist to the administrative Geography in Code point open - but I can't find anything like it. It would be great to find a list that converts all the wards into areas (that are more commonly known). But I have no idea if such a list even exists. If you could help me with some of these questions I would be super grateful and I'll be more than happy to donate! All the best, Cath

asked 19 May '11, 10:24

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accept rate: 0%

closed 19 May '11, 10:37

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦

The question has been closed for the following reason "Question is off-topic or not relevant" by SK53 19 May '11, 10:37

This question does not appear to relate to OpenStreetMap at all, but to Ordnance Survey OpenData. Nor is it very clear to me what it is that you require.

OpenSteetMap does not contain a complete or consistent set of UK boundaries or UK post codes. In many cases the best quality data has been sourced from the same Ordnance Survey OpenData Boundary Line set that you seem to be using. If completeness and consistency are part of your requirements I would suggest you look elsewhere.

There are other boundaries available in Boundary Line such as civil parish which might be of some use, but be aware that the quirks of administrative geography in Britain mean that many large towns do not feature: these are the un-parished areas.

As this question only relates to OSM tangentially, I am closing it.

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answered 19 May '11, 10:36

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SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 19 May '11, 10:24

question was seen: 5,478 times

last updated: 19 May '11, 10:37

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum