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Hello OpenStreetMap Community,

  • I have created a map with several layers (line colors and line shapes for the legend/chart) that I would like to be fully published on OSM, but with its edition restricted to me only.

Let's say it would be the restricted base map.

  • I would then like to enable people to make additions to the restricted base map, without allowing modifications on it, but only allowing to add more elements using the same legend/chart as the base map. (Can they have access to the chart but not the map edition?)

  • As more users would add elements to the map, it is important that each one of them can make additions, but WITHOUT modifying the additions of another user, comments on each others additions would be allowded. (Exemple: UserA can draw a lineA, and UserB can draw a lineB, using the chart of the not editable base map, but UserA can't modify lineB, UserA can only make a comment on UserB's line). Is it possible to create such a "multiple users" map ?

  • Can this map be then published with an external link on another webpage ?

Thank you for your help and attention on this issue, I am looking forward to reading you, Regards,

asked 13 Nov '16, 23:30

ecosystememetropolitain's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Are you asking about uMap?

(14 Nov '16, 00:26) SomeoneElse ♦

Also please elaborate what you mean by "fully published on OSM", do you want to upload objects to OpenStreetMap?

(14 Nov '16, 07:22) Frederik Ramm ♦

Yes I am asking about uMap, I have drawn a map of pedestrian pathways on uMap and I want to share it when finished, but I wonder if it could be then used on OSM (so yes, I want to upload objects on OSM), like the "Cycle Map" there would be a "Pedestrian map", with an addition on the map key for more layers describing the differents types of pedestrian paths.

(14 Nov '16, 19:44) ecosystememe...

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question asked: 13 Nov '16, 23:30

question was seen: 1,573 times

last updated: 14 Nov '16, 19:44

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum