I am trying to name a building area with these tags but the validation process is reporting the error message I have noted in the title. building=apartments name:en=Nichigo Apartments name:ja=雪山 source=Bing What am I doing wrong? This is located at 140.7047055,42.8575236,140.7084961,42.8603574. Thanks |
This is the site I guess https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/193446505#map=19/42.85911/140.70727 |
nevws answer is in principle correct. It is common practice in OSM to add the name in the script and language of the country/region in question to the name field. Any commonly in use non-local language versions (not translations!) to name:xx The standard map style will only use the name attribute and none of the other language variants. It becomes tricky in multi-lingual areas however that is out of scope for this question. Besides the above you need to tell us which editor you are using, because that is likely where the error message is coming from. PS: please add comments as comments and not as answers I am using JOSM
(13 Nov '16, 10:22)
JOSM complains about lots of things, many of them should be considered warnings, not errors. And some times JOSM is simply wrong (as in this case).
(13 Nov '16, 16:02)
SimonPoole ♦
If I change name:ja=雪山
to name=雪山
I get a different error message 'Translation - Missing Name...."
try having all 3...
name:en=Nichigo Apartments
That fixes it.