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User 00crashtest has appended "Station" and "站" to some MTR station names in Hong Kong, saying that these are the "official" names (he readded them after I'd removed them once). As far as I'm aware, like in most other places the convention is to omit "Station" (but not "Terminus"), as the stations are named on MTR's system map. Should I revert him again?

asked 07 Nov '16, 09:36

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edited 09 Nov '16, 12:55

My recollection of HK is that the word "station" doesn't appear on MTR ground signage. Is that correct?

(07 Nov '16, 10:11) SomeoneElse ♦

It does (capitalised), but that doesn't really seem to be pertinent because many metros and subways (e.g. London, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen) have "station" in their signage but omit "Station" in name=* anyway.

"Station" is, however, omitted in MTR platform decorations/signage.

(07 Nov '16, 12:41) jc86035

I've reverted the changes because he seems to only have changed about 15 stations' names without bothering to edit the rest, leaving strange inconsistency.

(09 Nov '16, 13:09) jc86035

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question asked: 07 Nov '16, 09:36

question was seen: 1,393 times

last updated: 09 Nov '16, 13:09

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum