In my local openstreetmap which built under the instruction of on the github. When i make a routing request using the graphhopper routing engine, it does not return me a result, even an error message, it shows a search.gif keep loading on the sidebar_content. But the OSRM engine can return a instruction message. I did not change any code related with direction .js file on the rails port. Do i lost some setting or otherthing important? asked 03 Nov '16, 15:04 yuyy |
It should be the josnp disabled in my enviroment. I set up local graphhopper routing service under this instruction, and add web.jsonp_allowed=true in the Then change the graphhopper routing api address to //localhost:8989/route in config/application.yml.The graphhopper routing service can return me the right result finally. answered 08 Nov '16, 08:25 yuyy I've accepted this as an answer for you - hope you don't mind! (OSQA doesn't let you accept your own answers).
(17 Nov '16, 22:54)
SomeoneElse ♦
are those services free to use ? Or is there some IP-address or developer key restriction ?