Are the computer data bases of osm the very same for the android mobile phone as for desktop computer? Some mistakes are being removed for more than a month on the pc when the same fault a still being displayed on my mobile osm version |
There are thousands of computer data bases of OSM - everyone who provides OSM-based maps has their own copy. Some update their maps every minute, some are running a map that is four years old. You should ask the provider of your Android map how frequently they update their data. (Or maybe - if you're using an offline map - you only have download a new version?) To be clear: all those copies stem from one single reference database hosted and edited on It might be better to think of them as mirrors (with some amount of lag) than as copies. The only source that is pretty much garanteed lag-free is the raw data you download when using the "edit" button or activate the "map data" layer on org.
(02 Nov '16, 11:04)
Vincent de P... ♦
You should mention the specific app you are asking about.