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Need a tileserver optimised for hiking, with hillshading and contours for UK maps. Assume "JFDI yerself" isn't an option. What are the options?

asked 18 May '11, 21:33

OJW's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 18 May '11, 21:34

Not sure if I've quite got what you want.

The obvious apps serving tiles with some kind of 'walkers' layer are Hike and Bike Map, and Both have a render style meant for walkers and hill shading, but not contours. It might be possible to supplement this with transparent overlays from Lonvia and/or Nick Whitelegg's Freemap. The latter now has contours, but not hill shading. Separate hill shading overlays are used by several of these sites, so it may be that Freemap is the best starting point.

I dont think any of these have fast server resources, so I'd be chary about anything which might hit them hard. OSMC does not cover the UK, but would be worth considering in Central Europe.

The cycle element of the cartography of OpenCycleMap is too strong to contemplate using it as a background with an overlay.

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answered 18 May '11, 23:26

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 18 May '11, 21:33

question was seen: 13,602 times

last updated: 18 May '11, 23:26

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