Export to kml format a planned road drawn on OpenStreetMap How can I export to kml format this planned road: http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/421129199 drawn by somebody on openstreetmap. I have tried to use http://overpass-turbo.eu/ but I do not know what query to run to have the kml file of http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/421129199 generated. UPDATE: Finally I have found a procedure. In the left panel of http://overpass-turbo.eu/ I wrote the sequence of commands you can see below (it is for a group of planned roads) and then pressed Run followed by Export and after that I selected as KML option. way(421129199); out geom; way(255186883); out geom; way(257366617); out geom; way(254417023); out geom; way(403116840); out geom; way(420106776); out geom; way(167390508); out geom; way(233974332); out geom; way(167252854); out geom; way(283351409); out geom; way(283923219); out geom; It works. The problem I still encounter is that I have a group of many planned roads like "421129199", this is, a list of numbers as "421129199". I would like to just somehow paste that list in overpass-turbo. without being obliged to add each time the keywords "way" and "out geom". Is it possible to do this? |