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Did anyone ever thought or even tagged the strange traffic lights specially meant for psv (busses, trams and light rail)? They are locally called nine eyes, to give the traffic unit the possibility to direct a vehicle in any direction (left, right or straight) by using the led’s inside the unit carrying 9 led’s. Or the alarming sign found near or at level crossing of light rail or tram ? An alarming flashing light is not attached to any other traffic light, it’s just active when a psv (tram / light_rail) get's closely. And yes you could call them traffic_lights but htey are differnet from the usual red, orange and green ones.

asked 27 Oct '16, 13:40

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

Is the "alarming flashing light" a signal for trams/light rails which informs the tram driver if the lights of the level crossing work and the barriers have been lowered? Or do you mean the lights at the level crossing warning the car drivers and pedestrians?

(29 Oct '16, 13:34) Nakaner

Hi Nakaner, thanks. The traffic light for trams psv are a bundle of 9 leds in a squarre, so that the driver gets a permission to drive through the other traffic lanes to the right, straight or left direction. The traffic lanes get a red signal and bothe lights are part of the same traffic unit. The flashing light is placed near a level_crossing for pedestrians. Just to alarm the people on a crossing for the oncoming psv (bus or tram, a lightrail might get a lift gate.)

(29 Oct '16, 15:54) Hendrikklaas

I can only answer this question for trams and light rails.

"Traffic lights" for trams are tagged at OpenStreetMap as railway signals. Because railways signals differ very much between countries, there is no tagging scheme for all countries. Currently people have only written a tagging scheme for German tram signals (BOStrab). If you want to tag tram signals elsewhere, you have to design your own tagging scheme which you derive from the international (abstract) tagging scheme.

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answered 29 Oct '16, 13:33

Nakaner's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 27 Oct '16, 13:40

question was seen: 3,098 times

last updated: 29 Oct '16, 15:54

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum