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I maintain Wikidata's list of embassies.

My current technique is to walk the streets of the world and add any embassy I stumble upon. Wikidata has 2000 embassies, while OpenStreetMap already has 8500.

Would it be illegal to have a peak at OpenStreetMap and see that OpenStreetMap lists a Togo embassy in Benin, and add to Wikidata an item containing {embassy, Benin, operator=Togo}?

Would that be too much already? If not, what if I added 6500 such items using a script? I realize that 6500 features is beyond what the ODbl allows as "substantial". If not yet illegal, what if in addition I also included the latitude/longitude of each embassy?

What is the most efficient, yet legal, way for me to complete Wikidata's embassies? Should I totally ignore OpenStreetMap?

asked 27 Oct '16, 10:44

Nicolas%20Raoul's gravatar image

Nicolas Raoul
accept rate: 20%

edited 27 Oct '16, 10:44

It is not OpenStreetMap that disallows the export of its data into Wikidata; it is - likely - Wikidata that will ask you to confirm that you hold all rights in the data you upload, or at least that you have the right to publish the data under CC0, which you do not have. If Wikidata can accept data under ODbL then you are free to add stuff from OSM.

Note also that working with the "substantial" guideline in the Wikidata context is dangerous; if 10 people each export a non-substantial amount of data from OSM into Wikidata, each not knowing what the other 9 people do, then the result is a substantial extract and if Wikidata does not allow uploading of ODbL licensed data, all 10 of them have violated Wikidata rules.

I would advise against using OSM as a data source for Wikidata.

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answered 27 Oct '16, 10:54

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 27 Oct '16, 10:55

But feel free to use OSM to visit the 6500 embassies and add them with your own knowledge, it saves you the run around to spot one. But you can't do without the extra info to confirm the actual situation.

(27 Oct '16, 13:53) Hendrikklaas

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question asked: 27 Oct '16, 10:44

question was seen: 2,504 times

last updated: 27 Oct '16, 13:53

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum