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Hi there, i'm developing a site using osm + leaflet + mapbox , i think you've changed something because starting from today, any route traced via OSRM starts from a place in Arizona, this weird thing happens also on your main website...

asked 26 Oct '16, 16:13

Massimo%20Guidi's gravatar image

Massimo Guidi
accept rate: 0%

closed 26 Oct '16, 16:48

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦


Our main website? OSM neither officially runs OSRM nor is OSM the same as MapBox. Please contact either MapBox or OSRM depending on which service is failing for you.

Oh I see the problem is at In that case contact osrm-talk: or better just stay patient since there are already similar subjects ( and ).

(26 Oct '16, 16:35) scai ♦

Ok, i'll contact them, but try to get directions on your main website...

(26 Oct '16, 16:39) Massimo Guidi

Yes, but this will nevertheless use a third-party routing instance.

(26 Oct '16, 16:40) scai ♦

It doesn't matter wich start or end point you choose, you'll get a location in Arizona on the map...

(26 Oct '16, 16:45) Massimo Guidi

Ok, thank you !

(26 Oct '16, 16:46) Massimo Guidi

Right, read the threads on the osrm-talk list. It is a known bug. Currently routing only works inside California with this particular OSRM instance. You can choose a different routing engine or wait until the bug has been fixed or install your own OSRM instance.

(26 Oct '16, 16:46) scai ♦
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The question has been closed for the following reason "Bug report - better on OSRM list or issue-tracker" by Richard 26 Oct '16, 16:48

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question asked: 26 Oct '16, 16:13

question was seen: 878 times

last updated: 26 Oct '16, 16:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum