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I have a Volkswagen Up, and it has a Garmin Maps and More build for it. So it doesn't only have a GPS, but also Bluetooth possibility, media player, car information etc.

So is it possible to create the folder "Map" in it with the .img file?

Thank you in advance.

UPDATE: my GPS is from Garmin but it runs Navigon software, so using OpenStreetMap is almost impossible. At least using the .img file.

asked 23 Oct '16, 14:52

KoenMason's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

edited 25 Oct '16, 15:14


It may work, i have used osm.imgs on a garmin nuvi 1310t car sat nav. But ask here

(23 Oct '16, 15:08) andy mackey

I added the .img file on the Garmin folder of the SD card. But I can't select an other map in the settings. It don't think it recognizes the new map...

(23 Oct '16, 15:37) KoenMason

You could test the img file in another garmin device if you have one, so you would then know the .img is good. If you don't have a garmin put the .img on a usb stick or a card an try to open it with Garmin basecamp (free download) that may prove the file is ok. What is the name of the folder the supplied map is in? Create a folder of the same name on the SD card and put the osm.img in that. Failing that ask at VW.garmin

(25 Oct '16, 15:01) andy mackey

Maybe loading the map in your VW only works during a test scenario.

(26 Oct '16, 10:12) scai ♦

Your edit ("my GPS is from Garmin but it runs Navigon software, so using OpenStreetMap is almost impossible") sounds like an answer to the question to me; if you add it as an answer here I'll accept it on your behalf (since on this help site you can't accept your own answers).

(26 Oct '16, 10:43) SomeoneElse ♦

Okay, added it as an answer. Thank you.

(26 Oct '16, 10:46) KoenMason
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My GPS is from Garmin but it runs Navigon software, so using OpenStreetMap is almost impossible. At least using the .img file.

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answered 26 Oct '16, 10:46

KoenMason's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

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question asked: 23 Oct '16, 14:52

question was seen: 5,631 times

last updated: 26 Oct '16, 10:46

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum