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I understood that only public tracks can be downloaded. But How can I know if a visible track on the map is public or not, and where I can find it ?

When I click on "GPS track" I have only the newest !



asked 18 May '11, 13:13

Gardien's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


what are you trying to do. if you wish to edit, the relevant traces can be shown.if you wish to see older traces scroll to bottom of "GPS track page" and click on next and you will see older ones.

(18 May '11, 22:18) andy mackey

All trackpoints from GPS traces that are uploaded to OpenStreetMap will be available to view in an editor, whether they are marked as Identifiable, Public, Trackable or Private. But only tracks marked as Identifiable or Public will show up on the traces page on See Visibility of GPS traces.

If a trace is set is Identifiable, then the editor can link to it in the traces list. In JOSM, you can do this by downloading all GPS traces in an area, then right click on Downloaded GPX Data in the layers list, and click on Info. Any identifiable tracks will be listed with their URL, so you can then go to that page and download the original GPX.

For traces set as Public this is not possible. But you could manually look through the traces list and see if you can find it. Also try checking for any relevant tags.

For otherwise unidentifiable traces, you can still download them all into JOSM, then save the layer as a GPX file. But this will have all of the traces joined together, so probably not very useful.

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answered 23 May '11, 00:24

Vclaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

You should explain what you are trying to do. If you can see a trace, it's public.

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answered 22 May '11, 17:04

Tom%20Layo's gravatar image

Tom Layo
accept rate: 0%


I see a trace I want to download to my GPS. I had an answer during a first question that only a public track can be downloaded. Hence my question how do you know if a track is public and how download it. You say if I see the track, it's public... So If it's true where is te file to download ?

Thanks a lot Serge

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answered 22 May '11, 21:08

Gardien's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 18 May '11, 13:13

question was seen: 5,504 times

last updated: 23 May '11, 00:24

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum