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I wish to tag nodes I've added for a university department to identify them as an 'academic department'.

Can I legitimately add a tag 'university-function:' and add values such as 'academic department', 'service department' etc?

This is becuase of the way in which I wish to surface the data in the University website.

If NO - what is the best way of doing it. I need them to be nodes, because the academic departments are within buildings, and the buildings themselves are tagged up as building=academic building or building=hall of residence.



asked 18 May '11, 11:59

Sam%20Foster's gravatar image

Sam Foster
accept rate: 0%

You began this conversation with your question about building-functions on this help tool.
But it is not really the best place to discuss about new tags. Use the wiki page pointed by Harry on your previous question or use the dedicated mailing-list about [Tagging] (find the list of OSM mailing lists on the wiki).
Just some general statements about new tags: you are free to use any tags you want. It's better if you check first that a tag does not already exist for what you want. If not, try to find a consensus with the community (through the multiple OSM channels of communication excepted this one ;-). Put some minimal documentation on the wiki if the new tag is not self explanatory.
For tags syntax, we have some preferences about the key like avoiding acronyms, abbreviations, capitals, spaces and exotic characters, prefer UK english.

permanent link

answered 18 May '11, 14:52

Pieren's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

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question asked: 18 May '11, 11:59

question was seen: 6,369 times

last updated: 18 May '11, 14:52

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum