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Hi I'm Newbie

I'm trying to make openstreetmap's tile on my iOS app(swift).

but when I try to do , like ""

first one is zoom, second tileX, third tileY.

and I want to convert my latitude and longitude to tileX, tileY.

Surely I find this page trying to convert

but i'm newbie in iOS(swift) so I can't do that.

So conclude, I want to know how to my latitude and longitude to tileX, tileY in ""

if this method is wrong then what can i do for it?

thank you for reading my question.

asked 18 Oct '16, 10:44

seubseub's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

closed 19 Oct '16, 23:30

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦


"...but i'm newbie in iOS(swift) so I can't do that." Why not? The article you linked to provides step-by-step calculations you can use to convert from latitude and longitude to the corresponding X and Y. I'm not familiar with Swift. Is it not capable of performing trigonometric operations like tan()?

(18 Oct '16, 16:49) alester

The question has been closed for the following reason "The user has access to the most in-depth wiki page with code samples to answer his question. If this does not help him, he has a general issue with programming that is out of scope here." by Frederik Ramm 19 Oct '16, 23:30

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question asked: 18 Oct '16, 10:44

question was seen: 2,132 times

last updated: 19 Oct '16, 23:30

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum