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A nearby village has accumulated about 10 justified notes. I would like to make a bicycle trip there and check or verify the notes on the ground. Is there a way to print a map, like Field Papers, but additionally with the unresolved notes?

Ideally the printout would consist of the map plus markers A, B, C for the notes and a second page where the note text and comments are listed.

Alternatively, is there a way to export all open notes in a given bounding box in some text format for printout?

asked 14 Oct '16, 11:03

hfs's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

You can use the notes API to download all open notes in a bbox in xml format. You'll probably want to trim the output to keep only the interesting bits. Then print the map from with the notes layer activated, and write the note numbers on the printed paper to match with the note descriptions. Not very elegant or streamlined, but for a 10-notes one-off it should do the trick ?

Alternatively, if you have a smartphone, you can install vespucci on it and download the area (including the notes) before you go, to have them available during your survey. Other apps like osmand can do that too, but might require you to have a data connection during the survey.

permanent link

answered 14 Oct '16, 12:02

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%


Great tips! I went with the notes API way using JSON output, which I found a bit friendlier to edit (after using an online pretty printer). It’s workable for a one-time job.

(14 Oct '16, 12:40) hfs

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question asked: 14 Oct '16, 11:03

question was seen: 2,939 times

last updated: 14 Oct '16, 12:40

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum