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I'm currently working for a team which is developing an app for restaurants where you can leave reviews for each restaurant. To create an initial dataset, I have downloaded and imported all restaurants from the Netherlands into our database. This data will probably be modified slightly to add more information per restaurant (Namely addresses and contact information). These restaurants will be displayed, and the review mechanic will be performed and saved in our app.

My question is this: How should I credit openstreetmap? I saw I had to put a “© OpenStreetMap contributors” tag, but does this include just showing data in text form? And if so, does this mean I have to put this tag on each page which displays data coming from openstreetmap?

Thanks in advance!

asked 11 Oct '16, 10:07

BasBouwhuis's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 11 Oct '16, 10:08

You can find the official documentation on how to apply the licence on the following pages.

If you have specific questions please send them to

Please ignore any references to as the header says it is not an official document of the OSMF.

permanent link

answered 11 Oct '16, 10:58

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

I have a question about modification of the data. Since most restaurants lack a lot of data we require, I want to fill in the blanks by using the Google Places API.

What does making it publicly visible mean in this way? Does it mean that a download link of the database is required? And if so, would a link on the download page of the app suffice?

(11 Oct '16, 11:15) BasBouwhuis

There is no point in answering that specific question as you clearly need to talk to your legal counsel about your whole business plan before proceeding any further.

What you are proposing would not only cause issues with the OpenStreetMap licence, you are likely further violating googles terms of service (googles problem not ours).

(11 Oct '16, 11:49) SimonPoole ♦

So there's no way to do what I want to achieve? I'm really thankful for your help, I'll contact my product owner as soon as possible.

Edit: Would it be allowed to use the restaurants for reviews when I don't retrieve more information via the Google Places API? So I would just store the data and use it to leave reviews on without altering the data.

So just to paint a good picture on how the data will be used in our review platform: I have downloaded all restaurants in the Netherlands. This won't be altered, but will be viewable in the application. Users will be able to leave reviews on these restaurants, which will be matched and saved in our database. If a restaurant wants to alter their profile in our database, they'll have to pay an X amount to do so. They will get a profile which they're free to edit.

I hope this was clear enough. Am I allowed to use the data this way?

(11 Oct '16, 12:28) BasBouwhuis

You should look at

Short answer: yes you can use OSM data as localisation for your Restaurant Reviews, you need to make a clear decision which attributes you use from OSM and which you supply yourself, and name changes, new restaurants and similar updates that you make to the base restaurant dataset should be made available (best simply add them to OSM).

(11 Oct '16, 12:56) SimonPoole ♦

Okay so just so I can explain this right to my team, we can use the data but when we alter the data (Like adding an address when it doesn't have one), not done by Google Places, it's best to add them to OSM. Is this correct?

Also, when a restaurant's owner wants to register his/her restaurant in our app (Which will be saved in our database, the same database with the data from OSM), I also have to add this restaurant to OSM, correct?

Again, thank you so much for your help. You've been awesome

(11 Oct '16, 13:03) BasBouwhuis

More or less: yes and yes.

(11 Oct '16, 23:19) SimonPoole ♦

Thank you very much! You've been a great help!

(12 Oct '16, 08:08) BasBouwhuis
showing 5 of 7 show 2 more comments

See the Legal FAQ.

I have downloaded and imported all restaurants from the Netherlands into our database. This data will probably be modified slightly to add more information per restaurant (Namely addresses and contact information).

If you modify OSM data or derive data from it and if you distribute or publicly use the results then you have to make these changes public or at least provide them on request. See sections 3b, 3c and 3d of the legal FAQ.

How should I credit openstreetmap? I saw I had to put a “© OpenStreetMap contributors” tag, but does this include just showing data in text form? And if so, does this mean I have to put this tag on each page which displays data coming from openstreetmap?

The legal FAQ states:

Our requested attribution is "© OpenStreetMap contributors". You must also make it clear that the data is available under the Open Database Licence. This can be achieved by providing a "License" or "Terms" link which links to or

You don't have to put this on every page which displays OSM data. It is sufficient to place it at a separate page (as far as I know). But of course it would be very nice if the attribution is directly visible.

If you still have any doubts please contact a lawyer.

permanent link

answered 11 Oct '16, 10:42

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

Do you mean with 'You have to make these changes public' that I have to say we have modified the data? The changes will be shown by default, since we need the address for each restaurant to be visible on their profile pages.

(11 Oct '16, 10:58) BasBouwhuis

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question asked: 11 Oct '16, 10:07

question was seen: 3,870 times

last updated: 12 Oct '16, 08:08

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum