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Hello, I was looking at this relation and notice that the outer polygons are tagged with 4 ways. 107246847, 116118801, 372485691, 439018546, Three of the 4 ways are tagged as outer. However, way 116118801 is not tagged as an outer way. Is there any reason for that?Should it be tagged as an outer way?

asked 06 Oct '16, 18:20

kcjailbirds's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

That forest-relation is one big mess, and worst in the south-west corner. Inners crossing each other, crossing the outer, and even a single big 'inner' crossing several other inners AND outer in zigzag.... It's amazing that this forest appears at all, how much Mapnik and a few other powerful apps can work around so many errors by assumptions and guessing. But it certainly would be great if you could really clean it up so that it will appear in ALL apps again. For example here too:
And it would make sense to split it completely along the broad railway gaps, using several independant, closed outer rings.

(08 Oct '16, 20:27) wycbtma

Some more missing messy forests:
Looks like a LOT of work to do in the area, good luck...

(08 Oct '16, 20:40) wycbtma

Yes, it looks like it should be tagged outer.

Incidentally, it also looks like way 166580594 is tagged inner, but has the same name as the parent relation, and is on or beyond other outer ways. Could this way just be deleted?

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answered 07 Oct '16, 14:35

neuhausr's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

I do not have enough knowledge of the forest and the area to update it. I did notice the way 116118801 should possibly be tagged as outer. If someone is familiar with this area and this forest, can you please update it?

permanent link

answered 10 Oct '16, 18:32

kcjailbirds's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 06 Oct '16, 18:20

question was seen: 2,406 times

last updated: 10 Oct '16, 18:32

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum