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Hi, I started to add my latest trace, but it seems to be quit a collection of 10 or more surveys. My first trace was really the first and the only one in the memory banks of my Garmin 62. But despite of erasing the current file the surveys keep coming back. So I’ll never be able to add a single trace, any idea ?

asked 03 Oct '16, 10:12

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%


could you describe what you did to download the trace from your GPS? How do you erase the "current file"?

(03 Oct '16, 11:51) aseerel4c26 ♦

If you are using JOSM then the plugin EditGPX would allow you to edit the data and save the segments seperately. You would have to delete the points you don't want, save the data and then repeat the process for each segement.

My 62s is set to record at a one second interval and it will create a new gpx file (when the current one is full) in the archive directory every 45 minutes. Depending on what your recording interval is set to, reducing it may be a way of splitting out the data into a series of archived files rather than just working with "current" file. When it comes to auto archiving the "current" file when it is full, the device does seem to create different archive files if the data in the "current" file is recorded on different days.

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answered 03 Oct '16, 20:45

dud1's gravatar image

accept rate: 30%

Try editing the file with a text editor. You'll probably see multiple "TRKSEG" sections; the chances are you'll only want one of those.

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answered 03 Oct '16, 17:36

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

(note: I do not own this Garmin model, just guessing …)

It could be possible that you have downloaded the "saved tracks" from your GPS device (by the way: due to lowered resolution and no timestamps they are not useful for OSM anyway). You only should download the track which is named "ACTIVE …".

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answered 03 Oct '16, 11:55

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 03 Oct '16, 11:56

Aseerel4c26, this model has been released in 2010 as the outdoors sum mum, but the files I use are the GPX (markers) and the current (your active ?) file, works fine with JOSM. Both files are copied into a directory. And yes I know the traces are mingled among each other, but I never bothered to save them to OSM. By copying the current files they are saved. And there quality is quite accurate and readable, just by adding the right area over it. It’s a kind of back-up to check my work. This gimmick (GPS) is the reason I joined OSM, since Garmin sends you to OSM. I recon there could be some one whos able to split it.

(03 Oct '16, 16:46) Hendrikklaas

The older Garmin units used to strip the time stamps from any trace you saved probably to minimize the use of their limited memory but that's not true with my Garmin Montana or perhaps other newer units. I always download and save my traces using Basecamp, Garmin's free GPS Manager utility. Once in Basecamp you can split or combine, rename and otherwise edit your tracks before uploading them to OSM.

(04 Oct '16, 02:13) AlaskaDave

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question asked: 03 Oct '16, 10:12

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last updated: 04 Oct '16, 02:15

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