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Hello guys!

In highways coding it is necessary to put the ref=[] tags and name=[], simultaneously?

In my view, it is only necessary te ref=[]. I doubt if the systems that use OSM find roads only with the tag ref=[] without the tag name=[*].

I understand that the two tags together generate unnecessary duplication of information.   English by: Google tanslate

asked 02 Oct '16, 01:30

seth's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 02 Oct '16, 01:32

@FrederikRamm, @Hendrikklaas, @VincentdeP....

Thanks, but I was not specific. I wanted to refer when the tag name and the tag ref has the same description, as:

  • Tag name = BR-163
  • Tag ref = BR-163

In the above case, I understand that the tag nane is unnecessary. But if the name was the: South Atlantic highway, then yes, it would be necessary.

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answered 03 Oct '16, 16:31

seth's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Seth, if the ref and name tag are the same, feel free to ask the mapper who added it why and how or the source ? It could be so, but Im curious because IMHO its a mistake if theres no sign, like you stated unnecessary.

(04 Oct '16, 11:45) Hendrikklaas


So... the sources are known and the problem is not this, but the fact of the ref tag information is repeated in the name tag. I understand that this is unnecessary, because it generates too much information. My doubt is whether, by default, should be so.

For example, a highway with the ref tag=BR-450(fictitious), but no known name, as it should be added in OSM?

I understand that should be implemented as follows:
- Ref = BR-450 and without the tag name.

Now if her name was Highway South America:
- Ref = BR-450;
- Name = Highway South America

(04 Oct '16, 13:30) seth

ref and name represent two different things, it isn't duplicated information. As Frederick said, some road have both a name and a ref, some have only one of the two, and some have neither. If a road has both a name and a ref, you should tag both, because you don't know which tag the data consumer will be looking for.

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answered 03 Oct '16, 12:43

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%

Some streets have only a name, and some have only a number. It is not necessary to use both tags.

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answered 02 Oct '16, 07:49

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

"Some streets have only a name, and some have only a number. It is not necessary to use both tags." If there is only on tag=yes, but if both tags are present then both should be used is not it ? So make it possible to search for both values ?

(02 Oct '16, 15:51) Hendrikklaas

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question asked: 02 Oct '16, 01:30

question was seen: 2,991 times

last updated: 04 Oct '16, 13:32

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