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I have been able to upload my trace, kept it private for the time-being as I want to figure out the route and then do whatever edits need to be done.

When I click on the map link, I don't see my trace, it should stand out as a different color line or something, right ? The trace is not shown.

asked 01 Oct '16, 16:43

shirish's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

shirish, you’re a kind of vague; please tell us what you did, when, where and how ?

(01 Oct '16, 19:50) Hendrikklaas

I uploaded a gpx trace and marked it 'private' . . It is marked 'private' still. Now I tried to see the rendering of the route I took using the OSM slippy map at but don't see the track/trace outline to help me figure out the path. Can you see my trace/track outline anywhere in for e.g.

(01 Oct '16, 21:07) shirish

From the the OSM slippy map at
select the 'Edit' button at top left, choose edit with iD (in-browser editor)
Read the 'walkthough' help and when you know it all, select 'Edit Now'
Drag and drop the gpx file you want to use from your file manager onto the iD screen and you should see your trace.
You can then use your gpx trace and satellite imagery to add/modify a way.
You can add other 'OpenStreetMap GPS traces' via the 'background settings' icon on the right side or choose other satellite imagery that might be more recent.
Your trace will be amongst the 'OpenStreetMap GPS traces' when you make your trace public for others to view.

After using the iD editor for a while, get familiar with the other editors offered.

permanent link

answered 02 Oct '16, 08:15

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

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question asked: 01 Oct '16, 16:43

question was seen: 2,909 times

last updated: 02 Oct '16, 08:15

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum