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I was asked: please do not leave overlapping streets , please tell me where to look for more information. I know the city I live in very well. I have outlined parks,buildings, a cemetery and corrected a road name. Please explain overlapping streets, is this a line? Is it possible to set up widths of roads. I am using OpenStreetMap the first editor out of the three. I am new to this, is there a way to add photos? I was thinking of adding photos of the subdivision plat maps to Google Maps, would this help?

asked 27 Sep '16, 03:05

Krealt's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


This is the area I believe
(I deleted my previous answer as my overlapping ways comment was incorrect)

(27 Sep '16, 07:10) nevw

Yes this is the area, thanks.

(27 Sep '16, 12:43) Krealt

If you want to add photo's that other mappers can use, take a look at or They both have a license that allows us to use the pictures.

With overlapping streets, they probably mean that you have drawn a line (AKA an OSM way) over an already existing way. This should not be done. Please tell us more about what you were trying to achieve and give pointers to the changeset you uploaded or the message you received.

You can set the width of a road by adding the tag "width". I assume you are using the iD editor, so you might to go to the bottom of the left pane, under "All tags" you can add this. Please note that the width has to be expressed in meters.

And welcome to the OpenStreetMap community. I guess you have to learn a lot, so please take a look at some of the documentation on or follow the build-in tutorial from iD.

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answered 27 Sep '16, 07:14

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

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question asked: 27 Sep '16, 03:05

question was seen: 3,329 times

last updated: 27 Sep '16, 12:43

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum