Is it possible to show a GPX-track on the map? |
Other that the very rough outline shown at e.g., no. OSM traces are designed for map editing - all online and PC-based OSM editors support some sort of trace display. With JOSM and iD you can load traces stored locally; with Potlatch 2 you can select the "edit" link and it'll appear in blue. However, I suspect what you actually want is one of these. Do you rely mean OSM has a map on its website, you can upload GPX-tracks, but you can't show it on that map?
(27 Sep '16, 07:05)
Yes, you cannot show an uploaded track on the map The tracks that you upload via the website are meant for contributors of the map (aka people that improve the map). When you start the iD editor you will be able to enable a layer with all previously uploaded traces (given you picked the "public with timestamps" method to upload the track) This is also possible in other editor programs. The goal of the uploaded tracks is to help improve the map, not for end-users to display their walks. Then you should use e.g. wikiloc or GPSies or...
(27 Sep '16, 09:17)
I have been trying to figure out how to show a .GPX trace on the map. I did it in the past but now when I upload it and choose "map", it takes me to the map but does not show the trace. Perhaps that is what is meant here. I would like to know too. 1
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(29 Sep '16, 20:06)
aseerel4c26 ♦
Can you explain what you mean by "the map"? Do you mean on a website (e.g or some other one) in e.g. a mobile phone app, or in an OSM editor?
There are many maps that use the OSM data. It would help if you could provide more detail about the specific map you're wondering about, or if your question is more general and you just want to display a GPX track on any OSM-based map.