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Hi everybody,

I'm interested in building a bulk geocoder app that could be used locally in the browser.

My idea is to allow the upload of a csv file and make my script to parse it and submit it to the Nominatim Geocoder Server.

Would it be reasonable if I design my bulk geocoder such as it implements a delay of 6 secondes between each request to the nominatim serve and that it limits the file size to a maximum of 100 addresses or do you think that it would not be in accordance with the usage policy?

Thanks for your answers.

asked 24 Sep '16, 10:44

pokyah's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

converted to question 24 Sep '16, 10:46

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦


For info - I've converted this to a new question since you'd added it as an "answer" to .

Have you considered installing your own instance of nominatim? That way you wouldn't even have to ask the question - you could just use it.

(24 Sep '16, 10:48) SomeoneElse ♦

Or, easier still, install Photon - - and download the ready-made database for it, so you don't have to go through the Nominatim installation/import procedure yourself.

(24 Sep '16, 22:29) Richard ♦

There are multiple solutions to running your own geocoder that have been pointed out in the comments, in particular simply running a photon instance is low impact (and you can actually squeeze it on to a Pi2, I wouldn't recommend that for production use though).

The other part of the story is that while there is an implicit understanding that the services provided by the OSMF can be used for tinkering, experimentation and low use in commercial projects, they are not intended as a replacement for commercial services.

In any case please observe our licence conditions and provide attribution if you are using any data derived from OpenStreetMap, including such data extracted by geocoding. See

for more information

permanent link

answered 27 Sep '16, 08:50

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 27 Sep '16, 13:43

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question asked: 24 Sep '16, 10:44

question was seen: 2,927 times

last updated: 27 Sep '16, 13:43

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum