I've just registered myself to the site and I don't know well the rules. It's possible to edit the map to produce and download an italian, and/or European, map indicating cities where are organized activities related to the European night of researchers on next 30 septembre and with links to the web sites wich describe these activities? Thank you OttBert |
You should use umap for this. See http://umap.openstreetmap.fr/en/. The core OpenStreetMap data is not a suitable place for relatively ephemeral information. Currently there are projects to build on OSM to provide open mechanisms for storing such ephemeral data. These are in relatively early stages of developments:
Although it should be possible to integrate OpenEvent Database with umap I doubt that this has been done yet. With only 30 specific objects to add it is certainly not a major task to add them directly, and this is what I would recommend you do. Should add I've found my registration email from OEM(2) and added a couple of events. This may be even easier than umap.
(24 Sep '16, 17:58)
SK53 ♦