I'd like to get a to-do list for all the roads in a neighborhood and go one by one. How can i list all the roads in a specified area if they were not Tagged as being part of that neighborhood? Going through 1 by 1 and tagging them seems counter productive because if i'm there, i might as well just finish all the edits. Thanks for any help! |
This type of problem is best tackled using Overpass/Overpass-Turbo. If your neighbourhood is mapped as a polygon then you can use this as an area for constraining the query. Otherwise use around with, say, a value of 500-1000 metres. You'll probably get some false positives, but remember that unless the neighbourhood is precisely defined people living there will have rather different perspectives of what it includes. Therefore tagging individual roads is unlikely to meet OSM's repeatably observable criterion. Suitable example queries of this type are shown on the OSM wiki. You can arrange for the output to be produced ia csv format. Here's an example for Overpass-turbo. 3
I took your example, and where Bingham was, put in my neighborhoods name. Out popped all the streets. THANK YOU A TON. I guess i have a lot of work ahead of me :)
(24 Sep '16, 12:24)
You probably need to dedup names to make it look better!
(24 Sep '16, 17:56)
SK53 ♦
This query somewhat confuses me, assuming your want add the neighbourhood name to each road. Why would tags be added to individual roads showing which neighbourhood they are in? Surely a boundary polygon is more sensible and also meets all needs or is this a way to define portions of some places when the boundary is unknown to the mapper and has not been mapped yet. What tags would be used.....is_in or addr tags?