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How can I download a gpx track displayed on the map? I don't need the map, but just the gpx track.

asked 23 Sep '16, 11:32

Samuele%20Baldinotti's gravatar image

Samuele Bald...
accept rate: 0%


Where are you seeing GPX tracks displayed on the map? Try to explain which GPX tracks you need and maybe we can tell you how to obtain them.

(23 Sep '16, 11:37) scai ♦

in fact, we have an older question about a similar topic: identifying-individual-gpx-tracks-from-the-downloaded-gpx-tracks-in-josm

(23 Sep '16, 18:51) aseerel4c26 ♦

if the particular GPS track was (note: that's just my interpretation) uploaded as "Identifiable" or "public", then the OSM API returns also an url with the set of points of this trace.

Most easy to use if you download the traces in JOSM (use a small area to preferably only get the trace you are interested in!), then look in the Choose Track Visibility (screnshot there) window in the "url" column. Open that URL and you get to the OSM homepage view of this trace where you can download it in its entirety.

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answered 23 Sep '16, 17:08

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 23 Sep '16, 18:48

Thanks aseerel4c26, this was really useful. However, instead of opening the "Choose Track Visibility" dialog, once you know which track you need, it is better to open the "Info" dialog from the right-click context menu of the layer. The URLs displayed in the "Track Visibility" dialog cannot be selected/copied or clicked. In the "Info" dialog, you can at least select the text and copy it, and subsequently paste it in your browser to get to the actual track download.

(19 Feb '20, 09:55) mboeringa

Hi Samuele, take a look here, With a possible solution at the bottom.

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answered 23 Sep '16, 12:32

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

Unfortunately, there is no way that I know of to download a particular GPS trace that is visible on the OSM map. If you happen to find a trace you want on the [GPS traces page][1], you can download it from there but there's no good way to search those traces for a particular area or keyword. Of course, you can download any of your own traces that you have previously uploaded to OSM.

Some other OSM guru may be able to add more help. I'll subscribe to this question and maybe learn something myself.



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answered 23 Sep '16, 12:16

AlaskaDave's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 23 Sep '16, 12:17

Thank you! My question was not so clear but you understood. I thoght there is no way, and you confirm that. Hope some skilled users can do this, may be using an app... and hope they explain how to...

(23 Sep '16, 12:30) Samuele Bald...

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question asked: 23 Sep '16, 11:32

question was seen: 13,714 times

last updated: 19 Feb '20, 09:55

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