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Existen cientos, más bien miles, de ejemplos como el siguiente:

Buscar por: 37.23893863928874,-3.5652351379394536


37.23893863928874, -3.5652351379394536

Resultados de OpenStreetMap Nominatim

Calle Las Parras, Alfacar, Provincia de Granada, Andalucía, 18170, España

Puedes ver que en ambos las posiciones geográficas son distintas.

Pero mucho peor: código postal 18170 se encuentra a unos cien kilómetros de la posición dada, en la costa

(Podéis verlo en google map)

¿Existe alguna solución? Yo estoy empleando Nominatim en mis aplicaciones y creo que voy a tener que pasarme a googlemap

asked 22 Sep '16, 13:22

arcadio%20ortega's gravatar image

arcadio ortega
accept rate: 0%

edited 22 Sep '16, 19:50

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Remember, Nominatim is fundamentally about names, i.e. named objects in OSM. Not every spot on the world's surface has its own name. So if you enter a location, I guess Nominatim will take you to the nearest named object it can find. There are lots of streets with no name in the vicinity, but Nominatim doesn't know about them: it's all about names.

At least, that's my best guess.

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answered 22 Sep '16, 14:05

sdoerr's gravatar image

accept rate: 8%

The two positions are clearly in different streets

(22 Sep '16, 15:19) arcadio ortega

That's correct. Unnamed streets are not imported into Nominatim. In this case it returns a result about 200m away.

(22 Sep '16, 19:19) mtmail

Hi Arcadio, Looking at your previous questions you also speak English. Please use English on the help forum. If you want to report a bug with Nominatim ("18170 zip code is located about one hundred kilometers from the given position on the coast") consider opening an issue on

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answered 22 Sep '16, 13:59

mtmail's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%


There is nothing wrong in using a local language for contacting local people or if English is not very well understood.

(22 Sep '16, 14:01) scai ♦

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question asked: 22 Sep '16, 13:22

question was seen: 2,484 times

last updated: 22 Sep '16, 19:50

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum