Hi everybody where I can find a .csv template for import POI with all the settings? thanks |
I am not familiar with Umap so am not sure if this is what you are asking for, but this umap project page discussion seems to give an example of how it should look, with a warning to not make a syntax error or miss an important field. the post is related to what I asked but I tried to download the file, convert it to .csv but id doesn't work
(19 Sep '16, 14:50)
It is a .txt file. You just need to save it to your disk and change the extension from .txt to .csv and that makes it a csv file :)
(19 Sep '16, 14:55)
yes i know but there always the same problem
(19 Sep '16, 14:58)
I just imported the .csv after deleting the line with the missing lat lon info (via 'create a map' then 'import data' via arrow icon on right of page) and it produced a map with some poi on it ok. I don't see any useful info when clicking on the poi, but I know nothing of the program anyway so would need to refine the map making I guess.
(19 Sep '16, 15:26)
Try naming the columns in English. That worked out for me. E.g: "name","description",etc. Sorry for the late reaction ;)
(06 Feb '18, 15:38)