Hi everyone, I have created around 100 protected areas in Iran over last few months, in order to complete the wiki page regarding these areas, I want to show them in a list with their name and OSM ids in the wiki page. Is there a way to extract Ids of objects in a .osm file? or even better is there a query which can be used to list object's Id based on a specific search criteria? By the way I have tried Spatial Manger it shows all the tags except Ids. Thanks |
Use overpass turbo and enter “boundary=protected_area in Iran” in the wizard. You'll have the data displayed on a map, and the corresponding json on the "data" tab. You can export that to a format of your liking. Optionally, replace the "print results" section with "out ids;" so that only ids are returned (ignore the "repair query" suggestion). That might make parsing the data easier. 2
Also, avoid linking to object id's whenever possible. See http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Overpass_API/Permanent_ID
(14 Sep '16, 14:23)
joost schouppe