I have installed the rails port and tile server, if i make an edit at my local map, and use osmosis command to keep the tile server database consistent with the rails port database, then how can i update the tiles that has been edited? Each time i want to see the changes, i have to clear up the cookies on the website and remove the /var/lib/mod_tile/default directory in the vm, then re-run the renderd command. But this method can't be the proper solution, so what is the correct way to update the changed tiles? |
If you're using https://github.com/openstreetmap/mod_tile/blob/master/openstreetmap-tiles-update-expire creates those as it runs
(13 Sep '16, 09:47)
SomeoneElse ♦
I think the main command that used to updata tiles are "$OSM2PGSQL_BIN -a --slim -e$EXPIRY_METAZOOM:$EXPIRY_METAZOOM $OSM2PGSQL_OPTIONS -o "$EXPIRY_FILE.$$" $CHANGE_FILE" and "render_expired --min-zoom=$EXPIRY_MINZOOM --max-zoom=$EXPIRY_MAXZOOM --touch-from=$EXPIRY_MINZOOM -s /var/run/renderd.sock", am i right?
(13 Sep '16, 11:09)
Yes - and obviously $CHANGE_FILE is the list of changes that you'll need to create somehow.
(13 Sep '16, 11:11)
SomeoneElse ♦
I know that, "osmosis --read-replication-interval workingDirectory=replication --simplify-change --write-xml-change changes.osc.gz" command can create the changes file.
(13 Sep '16, 11:15)