Hello, I'm thinking of using Openstreetmap on a Real Estate site in Russia, instead of Yandex Maps. But the current metro (subway) symbols would not fly here. Link shows how Russians are used to seeing metro stations on a map. https://yandex.ru/maps/213/moscow/?source=wizbiz_new_map_single&ll=37.603441%2C55.765236&z=17 Basically, bigger font. Symbol "M" in a circle and he circle has a set color depending on the line. The circle can be white, color is not necessary, just pretty cool. Look at what Google did for Moscow. Has anybody done this, added custom symobols? Or is there a document, that would explain how to do this? I'd like to try and figure out how difficult it would be to add this. Notice that Google Maps assigned a specific metro symbol for London, New York, Moscow, etc metros. Regards, |
You cannot change the symbols that are used on the standard map rendering. That is, unless you install your own version of the server and tweak the rendering (aka drawing) rules. This is exactly what the French community did, see e.g. http://tile.openstreetmap.fr/?zoom=15&lat=48.85496&lon=2.36157&layers=B0000000FFFFFF for how they render metro stations (already similar to what you want, an "M" in a circle). |