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Hello, I live in Moscow, Russia. Saw that a street I know appeared, but with no name. I tried the browser Edit mode to contribute. But in Edit mode, the street appeared. And a info side bar appeared, with the name in English and Russian. So the info is in the database, but not appearing.

I went ahead and added a building address that I knew.

The street is Palashevskiy Malyy Lane, 2/8, Moskva, Russia, 123104

asked 12 Sep '16, 22:03

gz1968's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

The name does not appear on zoom level 17 because it is too long for the street:

But zoom in further and the (Russian) name is shown on the map.

Also, you have added "addr:*" tags to the street itself. Don't do that, these are reserved for buildings.

permanent link

answered 12 Sep '16, 22:16

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

I zoomed in. Something is strange. In Russian, it shows Палашёвский переулок. But in Edit mode, your database has Малый Палашёвский переулок, which is correct. So the map is chopping the first word. There seems to be plenty of room. The name is taking up 1/3 of the street length. I would like to check how the English displays for this street, but I can't figure out how to view the map in English.


(12 Sep '16, 23:18) gz1968

About the address tag, that I added to the street, I deleted it. So the mistake I made was corrected. Thanks for noticing that.

(12 Sep '16, 23:31) gz1968

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question asked: 12 Sep '16, 22:03

question was seen: 2,529 times

last updated: 12 Sep '16, 23:31

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum