When i use osmosis command to import data into the openstreetmap database, some error appears, such as duplicate key value violates unique constraint "relations_pkey". The command that i used is ./osmosis-latest/bin/osmosis --read-pbf file="planet/chengdu_china.osm.pbf" --write-apidb host="localhost" database="openstreetmap" user="osm" password="buaanlp" validateSchemaVersion=no. I have used the lastest osmosis tool and the version of osmosis is 0.45, but the problem still arise, how can i sovle this problem? If this problem can't be solved, then how can i add .pdf data file into the apidb? |
The key to the answer is in your last sentence: you are adding data to an existing datanase, which already contains an entry for the objects in question. AFAIK you cannot directly merge into an existing APIDB with osmosis, you can however merge two datasources into one, see --merge. With other words you should pre-merge and then import (if you have modified data in your APIDB likely export, merge, re-import). Ok,thanks to your reply, so the osmosis command only can use once when import .pbf data file because the apidb must keep empty, this is so unconvenient and unreasonable.
(12 Sep '16, 12:44)