Hello, I am using osm-length-2.pl script to summarize road length of a country. The script is working well except it outputs the first type of highway with an empty name: highway length sums (metres):
Does anyone have this issue?
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The script sums up the lengths of all ways, not only highways, and the first number is the length of all non-highway ways. I have modified the script in SVN to stop doing that, so if you check out a new version the first line will be gone. Thanks Frederik. I can see the filters are updated. From osm highway definition almost covers all the type of road. Do the non-highways ways you mentioned are relations?
(09 Sep '16, 00:53)
Ways and relations are different things, see elements. Non-highway ways can be buildings, landuses, water bodies, forests, parks, railways, walls and fences, ways for administrative boundaries and so on.
(09 Sep '16, 07:47)
scai ♦
So the non-highway ways are not ways. They take a significant amount of length when the script calculates length of roads. Thus when comparing to the statistic data obtainted we see there are a half kilometres amout deducted after removing non-highways "things"
(09 Sep '16, 13:55)