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I know man_made=mineshaft exists but what if the tunnel is not a mine? In my case an abandoned military tunnel between underground buildings with a shaft is for ventilation and/or emergency exit. Examples: large shaftventilation shaft

asked 31 Aug '16, 07:05

swaan's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 31 Aug '16, 10:40

The nearest ones I know in Estonia are currently double tagged as man_made=shaft + tunnel=shaft .

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answered 31 Aug '16, 21:29

RM87's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

Sure you know - you tagged them :D I saw them yesterday and I think they are the best for now. Thanks!

(01 Sep '16, 06:15) swaan

What’s the proposed use of those tunnels ? Shelter or access to some positions or recon ? Remember that the first military miners were miners, specialized to work underground in narrow spaces like a gallery <0,40 m high. So why don’t you tag it as it is, it looks like a shaft= tag it as a shaft. The tunnel shielded the miners from the enemy so tunnel is appropriate. These tags could be usefull. abandoned=tunnel military=trench, I thought about it but no. underground=yes (its a tunnel) but an access to something so a kind of way. access=no/private entrance=yes (shaft) operator=who made them historic:period=...... surface=stone

There has been or is a discussion on the tagging list / forum, about the tagging of the entrance of a cave and how. Have a look there too.

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answered 31 Aug '16, 09:09

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

edited 31 Aug '16, 09:23

I added the purpose: it was for connecting different underground buildings, mostly connecting shelters. They had wooden floors too.

Maybe its just the way english is (not my mother tongue) but in my head mine=for mining something.

(31 Aug '16, 10:50) swaan

I have tagged some trenches with covered=yes, but those were German trapezium shaped trenches with masonry walls and a cover on top. But as I said before the first British brigade miners, short build and not claustrophobic, dug shelters 4 stories or more down under and offensive tunnels to place explosives and kill Germans. Although shaft nor tunnel are a mine, use those mine tags and tag the extra info I mentioned earlier. I took a look here at the Fotress and shelters of Dover, but no sign or tags at all. Don’t dig to deep.

(31 Aug '16, 17:18) Hendrikklaas

Many thanks for the insights and ideas!

(01 Sep '16, 06:16) swaan

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question asked: 31 Aug '16, 07:05

question was seen: 3,073 times

last updated: 01 Sep '16, 06:16

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum