There is an apartments building with several POIs on the ground level. Each POI have its own entrance. Should I map these as separate nodes inside the building or make them a part of building outline? In the first case how should I indicate the entrances? |
Sounds like a complicated mapping situation. I think getting the POIs into the basic building area is a good start. At least they will be referenced, even with their locations not being perfectly positioned. To allow everyone here to help you more accurately map the POIs in the building, you should put some pictures or diagrams of the actual situation, then post a link to the object in the OSM map. That will help us see what you are trying to do, more clearly. |
Hi bunder, the POIs in the ground floor of the building should get a tag (node) and entrance. Read these pages as well . have a look here a large multi function building with shops inside. Try or tag the Poi’s to the official street number but at least at the same node. @Hendrikklaas, you have not answered the primary question: should the POI on the ground floor be mapped as a separate nodes or as a nodes, which are part of a building outline? I do not see clean info on the wiki.
(28 Aug '16, 12:10)
Hi Bunder, please have a closer look at the link I added (http......) and look at the supermarket ReWe in the editing mode. The address node of the terminal is on the opposite side (north - east). All the shop are marked with their own node and details, look in the advanced menu. Oh sorry basic question "which Editor do you use" ? The bottom line is make separate nodes for each shop.
(28 Aug '16, 13:33)