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I've been using osmAnd~ for navigation in Sweden and found that a road with a speed limit of 90km/h has a section of several kilometers that allow 100km/h.

What steps do I have to do in the default web-based OSM editor to change the speed limit of a part of the road?

Neither wiki:Speed limits, wiki:maxspeed nor Speed Limits map correction give any help on this.

asked 27 Aug '16, 16:17

cweiske's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You must "split" the road at both points where the speed limit changes in order to isolate that section. Once the 100 kph section is separate, tag it with maxspeed=100

In Potlatch add a node where the limit goes to 100 kph, then type "x" or use the scissors in the toolkit to split the way at that point. Do the same thing when the limit changes back again. Now select that section of highway and apply the new maxspeed tag to it.



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answered 27 Aug '16, 16:48

AlaskaDave's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

  1. Go to beginning of speed limit change
  2. Select node (or double-click line to create node at this location)
  3. In the popup, click the scissors icon to split the line
  4. Go to the end of the speed limit change
  5. Select the node
  6. In the popup, click the scissors icon to split the line
  7. Change the speed limit of the line that has been split
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answered 27 Aug '16, 16:41

cweiske's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Thank you for this!!!

(21 Aug '23, 23:42) 352Guy

Note that at least one response here considers Potlatch to be the default editor. This hasn't been the case since the end of Flash player. You may need to seek out instructions for the iD editor instead.

(22 Aug '23, 02:40) InsertUser

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question asked: 27 Aug '16, 16:17

question was seen: 6,892 times

last updated: 22 Aug '23, 02:40

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum