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I am new to mapping and not familiar with the acronyms and standards. With that said I am trying to answer the following question:

Geographic point locations used in the Solution should be displayed in an industry acceptable G.I.S format; does OpenStreetMap maps use geographic coordinate system (Latitude, Longitude) with a North American Datum 1983 (NAD 83) and not NAD 83 (CSRS).

Any help is much appreciated.

asked 24 Aug '16, 20:35

ARG1964's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

OpenStreetMap data is stored is stored and distributed with unprojected WGS84 coordinates EPSG:4326. Typical maps displayed on the web use googles web mercator EPSG:3857, the maps displayed on are no exception to that (see EPSG:3857).

But naturally you can project OSM data to whatever you want for display purposes, however I'm not aware of a tool that does it directly (typically you would convert to shapefiles and reproject those).

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answered 24 Aug '16, 22:16

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 24 Aug '16, 22:52

You can actually reproject OSM data when uploading it to PostGIS with osm2pgsq, which is a suitable way of consuming OSM data for a wide range of uses.

(25 Aug '16, 11:40) SK53 ♦

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question asked: 24 Aug '16, 20:35

question was seen: 3,460 times

last updated: 25 Aug '16, 11:40

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum