I have the idea to setup my own Server with osm data so i dont have to take the server power from osm to download my maps to my android phone (locus). as an "output" i want to use the data on locus in sqlite format, not tiles. i tried to set up an ubuntu machine with help of the following instructions: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/The_Rails_Port http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Rails_on_Ubuntu http://weait.com/content/build-your-own-openstreetmap-server all i get to now is what you can see here: im kinda stuck now and hope to get some help over here |
As I understand it Locus caches tiles rather than vector data in its sqlite database. You do not need the rails port to render tiles, just Postgres+Postgis and Mapnik are required. For a limited area you might choose to generate all tiles using the |
so i just need this: http://weait.com/content/build-your-own-openstreetmap-server but how do i continue after that. i dont get it on how to use the generate_tiles.py I cant remember if you change the params in the file or add them on the command line, but basically you choose a bounding box + two tile levels and it will generate all the tiles for those levels & bbox. You need to say which directory to use (usually tiles in the mapnik root). A useful set might be from z10 to z13 for a 1 degree square.
(13 May '11, 19:01)
SK53 ♦